Journal #2

Everyone is going through something

By: Kevin Love

Kevin Love starts of by talking about how he’s an introvert and how that led to him being stressed and eventually having a panic attack. He mentions how he “ had to be a man, because that’s he he was always taught. He talks about how he had a panic attack in the game and how he was so confused and went to the hospital to get checked. He was worried about people finding out, then wondered why was he. He then got help from a therapist but didn’t expect much, but was able to get a lot off his chest from talking about his pain after the loss of his grandmother. He says he wrote the article to bring attention to mental health. Like the title says, and the theme that’s mentioned multiple times throughout the article “everyone is going through something.” Which is true. You never know what could be going on in someone’s life that makes them a certain way. He wants people to feel normal that mental health is a serious thing and that we should seek help if needed.  This article is really 8mprotant especially today because Kevin Love is a major public figure and is bringing attention to a very serious issue which is mental health.

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