
Blog title: Thank you, New York

by: Derek Jeter

In this article, Derek jeter, a captain of the New York Yankees and one of the best to play the game of baseball, thanks the city of New York and gives his goodbye to them.  He starts off by talking about his youth living in a small town and out in the Midwest, and how he didn’t know how he’d adapt to everything about being a yankee.  The city, the pressure and the spotlight that he was cast into.  He said the people made it worth it, their acceptance of him made it easy for him.  His hard work and love for the team, fans and city made it possible.  He then thanks the city again for giving him this opportunity and that the city and team would be with him forever.

This article was a thank you letter by Derek Jeter an all time great and childhood hero of many, including myself.  His hard work and dedication to the city and franchise was more than you could ever ask of a player, and he was thanking them for the oppurtuniy, which shows his humility and kindness.

Baseball, thank you

Sports have always been an escape for me whether it was with troubles with my family or troubles in school I always knew I could do like a basketball or baseball to help alleviate the pain and stress of everyday life. I started watching and playing sports at the same I learned how to walk. I grew up with baseball, it has been a steady in presence in my life, and still is. I even still have my old Derek Jeter jersey that I used to wear all the time when I was a kid. My life, like everyone else’s, has had many ups and downs to it, but throughout my life, sports have been there for me at the darkest times. Sports, baseball specifically, has been the one constant factor that never changed and it kept a sense of balance in my life in the toughest times. It helped me through my parents divorce, fights with friends and family, and whatever hardships came with life. Whenever I would take the pitchers mound or get ready to do a set, I would forget about everything. The stress of school, the confusion and anger of a parents divorce, anything that could’ve been possibly upsetting me at the time I just forgot. Wether it was the next pitch I threw or the next set I did, I’d take a deep breath and I would tell myself in my head “just take it one after the other”, and that’s the way I live my life now, one task after the other. It helped me organize my life, improve my school work, and improve my health. Baseball especially had helped me in ways that are irreplaceable. It’s helped me through my toughest times, helped me make some of my closest friends that I would’ve never met without sports in my life, and become a better version of myself, one that I can I say I am comfortable and proud of.

The first time sports really acted as an safe haven for me from every day life, was when I was seven and my parents were going through a divorce. Times were very tough and even though at times I felt like I had nobody to talk to, playing baseball was there and helped take my mind off of the pain of the real world and it provided me with a place to be myself, alleviate my anger, and give my mind a break. It helped again when in high school my relationship with my father just ceased existing. It was a difficult time for me. High school was daunting enough for me already, coming from a small school and not knowing anybody did not help either. I was not a good student at first, had only a few friends, and had to deal with the same senseless drama too many kids have to deal with in high school. But with baseball and weightlifting though, it helped me make friends and do better on and off the field, and I don’t know where I would be today without both of those things in my life. It made me felt that I belonged somewhere, a part of something that I had felt I never been a part of before. Day by day things with my family improved, but without baseball and lifting during this time, I do not know how I could have coped with everything. They allowed me to escape from the madness of everyday life.

My senior year I remember specifically out of all four years of my high school career. It felt like the world was slowly pilling things on top of me and there was nothing there that could help. I was frustrated with myself, school and nearly everything. I decided to put my frustration into good use and used it as motivation for baseball, so that for once finally, I could good about something that I did. I worked hard in the offseason before the season and it was my most successful season. One of the best things to happen to me during the season had nothing to do with the actual sport, but actually the friends I made on the team. I had made great friendships that without baseball, I would’ve never met them. My hard work in the offseason has carried over, and although there are bumps along this long road we call life, I can confidently say that because of sports and specifically baseball, I have become more organized, healthier and happy, and it’s a big part of the reason why I’m happy as who I am today.


SampleMemoir (Sports)

In the memoir “Sports” the author talks about how sports is used to release stress and aggravation.  Sports obviously comes with stress and aggravation, that comes along with practices, games, and failures, but at the end of the day he says you got say to yourself “It is what it is”.

I chose this memoir because I agree with the author in the sense that sports can be used as stress or anger relief.  Whether its the because of situations with work, friends or family, sports are a good way to help deal with the stress of it all.  When I’ve had a long day work or in school, I go to the gym and working out allows me to release all my built up frustration and use it in a positive  way.  Working out also helps my mental health as whenever somethings on my mind I just work through it.

This memoir is significant because it tells us how somebody can release stress through the means of sports.  Almost everyone does some type of sport, weather its soccer, swimming or running, there are all good for you physically and mentally.



link to memoir:

Myself as a writer

For me I’ve always been a fan of writing and literature.  I never show people my writing or really show people my interest, but I do like writing weather it be about things that happened during the day like journal entries or sports opinions on social media.  When I write I like having room for my imagination to take me to new places.  The less restrictions I have the better when it comes to writing, as I like to let my creativity flow freely and help me develop ideas that I wouldn’t have been able to come up with before if I had restrictions or consciously knew that it was going to be seen by others.


His heart was racing, the moment he had always dreamed about.  Runner on third base, two outs, bottom of the 7th inning, one run away from reaching the post season.  He knew that this is what him and his teams have worked towards to, and that bringing that one run home, would finally achieve that goal.  He took a step out of the box and gave a look down to the third base coach, who gave him the green light to swing.  He took a deep breath, resettled his feet in the box, and got ready for the pitch.  The pitcher leaned in, taking a deep breath trying to find where he wants to throw the strikeout his strikeout pitch to end the inning.  The batter and pitcher made eye contact and the pitcher began to deliver his pitch.  The batters eyes lit up as he made good eye contact and came through with a base hit for his team, which brought home the game winning run.  His team had finally made the postseason after years of failing to beforehand.  The batter managed to outwit the pitcher and managed to pull through with the win.


My hometown, is a small tight nit community that hosts community events all year long.  Laci was known for her odd style, which matched her odd personality.  Mr. Brown was the teacher everyone hoped to not get because he offered little to no support to students.  The room was painted in a gray, institutional style, resembling more along the likes of a prison cell rather than class room.